Young Private – Part 4
Playtime: 18:11
Private Timarrie Baker remains spread-eagled on his back on the torture table, completely naked, his proud cock slightly engorged, his stunning, well-muscled chest and stomach covered with terrible scars from the single-tail whip. Jared continues to interrogate the boy-soldier, but Timarrie won’t reveal anything but his name, rank and serial number, just like they taught him in boot camp. Of course, he doesn’t really know anything of value and is too unsophisticated to come up with a believable lie. But he is young and strong and can endure terrible agonies. And now he will suffer even more. Jared adds a series of iron plates to a steel bar connected to Timarrie’s wrists via pulleys. Each weight stretches him further, making his spine and joints scream in agony. “I’m not a spy! I’m a soldier with the U.S. Army!” the naked boy pleads. But Jared keeps adding weight. And then he gets out the single-tail whip again.