Young Private – Part 6
Playtime: 17:43
“I don’t know anything. I’m just a soldier.” beautiful young Timarrie Baker mutters, strung up against a the dungeon wall, on his tiptoes, his muscular pecs digging into the rough concrete, his arms high over head. “Tell me what you know!” Jared barks as he whips Timarrie’s gorgeous back and ass with his red-and-black bullwhip. The blows come over and over, in rapid succession, leaving Timarrie gasping and quivering. Jared shows no mercy, whipping the boy harder, then switching to a longer, even more brutal whip. “I’m sick of this bullshit, private!” Jared bellows, whipping the young soldier’s naked body dozens of times. But the cruelty has just begun. Timarrie is cut down, laid on his whipped back on a small table and electrodes are connected to his balls and wrist. Jared makes the boy’s 10-inch cock rock-hard before turning on the current. Torture has never been more beautiful.